University of Human Development Today

The latest events from UHD

Weekend hiking in Halabja terrain

Joint webinar between UHD and Harvard University on empowerment and recovery of trauma survivors

College of Science and Technology students publish a conference paper

Students from Sulaimani University take a class at UHD

Lecturer coauthors a scientific paper on improving Software Cost Estimation

English Dept students discuss 'Tuesdays with Morrie' from different angles

UHD professor co-supervises PhD thesis at University of Valladolid in Spain

Academics discuss electronic payment and it impact on monetary policy in Iraq, in an international virtual workshop

Dr Bali publishes a research article on COVID-19 vaccination and social media users in Iraq in a reputable international journal

How do small projects contribute to youth employment?

Dr Salam Abdulqadir Abdulrahman publishes a research article on ‘Cloud seeding in the Middle East’ in a reputable international journal

College of Nursing completes a First-Aid training course