UHD article publication continues: lecturers publish a joint paper on image processing analysis techniques for aluminium alloy composites
UHD professor speaks on a panel organised by the German Consulate in Erbil
The Consulate General of the Republic of Germany in Erbil
organised a panel discussion for academics and professionals on the 'Legal
protection of media freedom' on November 5th in Erbil. Professor Dr Saman Fawzi
from the Law Department at the University of Human Development was an invited
speaker. November 5th is the 'International Day to End Impunity for Crimes
Against Journalists'. Dr Fawzi delved into the legal problems of press freedom
and, specifically, journalists in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. He spoke from a
legal point of view and talked about the protection of the legal rights of
journalists, the need for introducing new laws, amending existing laws, and the
need for interpreting existing laws by the Court of Cassation. At another level, Dr Fawzi mentioned that the issue of
pension and work injury insurance for journalists in Kurdistan must be resolved,
and there must be a legal guarantee for their provision. He also mentioned that
a journalist does not have to be a member of the journalists' syndicate to be
protected by law. Many judges attended the panel, and three other European
consulates coordinated with the German Consulate for the organisation of the