UHD article publication continues: lecturers publish a joint paper on image processing analysis techniques for aluminium alloy composites
College of Science and Technology opens a training course on MATLAB
College of Science and Technology at the
University of Human Development has started a training course on using the
programming platform MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) for research purposes. It
started on 24th November and is scheduled to end on 1st
December 2022. It is taking place at the Seminar Hall. The training will be given in two parts.
Part one focuses on the basic concepts in MATLAB which include: MATLAB environment,
saving and loading variables, creating arrays, manipulating array elements
(select, change and delete), functions and scripts, logical expressions and control
structures. And, part two focuses on MATLAB application which includes: digital
signal processing, image processing, linear algebra and numerical analysis. The course is open to UHD lecturers and