UHD and two other institutions hold virtual workshop on future trends of IT


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The University of Human Development, the Union of Arab Statisticians and the University of Philadelphia in Jordan held a joint virtual workshop on Future Trends of Information Technology on the Zoom platform on 12th November 2022.

Prof. Dr Muzhir Shaaban Al-Ani, Dean of the College of Science and Technology at the University of Human Development and Assistant Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Statisticians, gave an introduction and elaborated on the importance of exchanging scientific experiences in the field of future trends of information technology.

Prof. Dr Qassem Al-Obaidi, Dean of the College of Information Technology at the University of Philadelphia, spoke about soft computing and intelligent systems, neural networks, and evolutionary algorithms, which can be used to produce robust hybrid intelligent systems.

Dr Mazen Ismail Ghareeb, Head of the Computer Science Department at the University of Human Development, was the last speaker. He talked about cyber security and the most important basic axes in cyber security. He also talked about types of cyber security and the waste that hackers cause annually, and how to get protection from those intrusions.

The workshop ended with questions and comments from the audience. 

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