UHD article publication continues: lecturers publish a joint paper on image processing analysis techniques for aluminium alloy composites
Workshop: Starlink satellite internet
A workshop was
held by the College of Science and Technology on ‘Starlink satellite internet’ on
5th October 2022. It was delivered by Ms Shima Muhammad Sardar. Some background
to the topic of the workshop: Starlink
satellite internet is a project of SpaceX company and its goal is to provide
internet to all regions of the world through satellite. Now we live in the
space age; but unlike the space races of the 1950s and 1960s, this time the
goal is to connect the whole world, even rural areas, to the Internet. In 2015, SpaceX
announced that it was developing a service called Starlink, which aims to
provide fast and cheap internet to all parts of the world. SpaceX president and
chief operating officer Gwen Shotwell say that while Internet service providers
are improving around the world, many people still struggle to cover rural
areas. How can SpaceX
and Starlink provide cheaper and faster internet to remote rural areas? The
workshop provided information and clarified the uncertainties surrounding this