UHD launches training programme on enterprises and entrepreneurial skills for students


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The University of Human Development has launched a training programme on developing enterprises and entrepreneurial skills for students of Year 4 in all UHD departments. The programme started with an opening session today, 6 February 2024, attended by the UHD president and dean of the College of Languages.

President of UHD Professor Dr Mariwan Ahmed Rasheed announced the opening of the course in a speech to Year 4 students. He focused on the benefits of the course for students when they graduate and look for a job. He mentioned that UHD would provide the course free of charge and asked students to pay great attention to the information and training they would receive during the course.

Next came a speech by the dean of the College of Languages, Assistant Prof. Dr Suhaib Mustafa, which revealed the agenda of the course and mentioned that participants would receive training according to their field of study. Participation is optional this year but will be compulsory next year in line with the Ministry of Higher Education policy. The current course is free of charge.

Never before has such a programme been so crucial and necessary for students. This is because unemployment is high and there are not many jobs for university graduates. Many graduates suffer because of lack of employment. The present course aims to give students the skills, training and confidence they need to grow business ideas and be able to begin their careers and establish their businesses in the future. The course also helps students to learn about contemporary marketing strategies and allows them to exchange ideas about business and entrepreneurship.


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