UHD opens a training course for public school teachers
Jury discusses Master’s Thesis in Criminal Law
The joint programme for the study of Master’s degrees between the University of Human Development and Sulaimani University held a jury for the candidate Ms Dnya Othman Hamid to discuss her thesis titled “Legislative rooting of branching in criminal law - a comparative analytical study”, in Seminar Hall at the College of Law and Politics at the University of Human Development, on 4th July 2023.
Members of the jury were: Asst Prof. Dr Shwan Omar Khidhr from Koya University (head of the jury), Asst Prof. Dr Zana Rafiq Saeed, from Sulaimani University (member), Asst Prof. Dr Yusuf Mustafa Rasul from Erbil Polytechnic University (member) and Asst Prof. Dr Sulaiman Karim Mahmood from Sulaimani University (member and supervisor).
Dnya first had a chance to present her thesis, elaborate on the methodology, aims of the study, and main arguments and findings to the jurors and then answered their questions. After a discussion lasting more than three hours, the jury decided to approve the thesis with the majority of votes.