UHD team leader at Huawei ICT Competition praised for his success
UHD projects are accepted at TECKFEST Sulaimani
UHD projects are accepted at TECKFEST Sulaimani
Two projects, namely Traveller Guidance by the Information Technology Department and EPOS System (Supermarket Electronic Point of Sale) by the Computer Science Department, from the University of Human Development (UHD) were accepted at TECKFEST Sulaimani 2023. A total of 80 projects out of 400 were accepted.
TECKFEST fair was a large technology competition held at Sulaymaniyah International Fairground.
UHD team visited the fair on Day 2 and Day 3, 17th-18th February 2023. The team included a number of students who had their own projects to present. They got an insight into the working of the fair and collected feedback from the visitors regarding their projects. They also participated in a Code Challenge contest at the fair. It was an educational visit for them.