Students of three schools visit University of Human Development


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Over the past four days, students of two schools in Sulaymaniyah city and one school in Sayed Sadiq town visited the main campus of the University of Human Development (UHD), 16th-20th November 2022 – Wise Private Preparatory School for Boys, Wise Private Preparatory School for Girls, and Sayed Sadiq Mixed High School.

They were received separately by the Protocol Unit of the Students Unit.

The first stage of their visit was a seminar at Prof. Dr Ali Qaradaghi Hall where they listened to presentations about university life as a student, the education and technical systems of UHD and UHD’s different colleges and departments.

The next step was seeing the medical labs and computer labs. At those labs, lecturers explained in detail how the tools and devices facilitate the learning process and let students take practical lessons, and how students can benefit from the labs and be prepared for the labour market when they graduate.

Another place students visited was the Moot Court where they learned the ways students of law bring and argue imaginary cases as attorneys and make decisions as judges, also play as witnesses, clerks of the court, court reporters…etc.

They also had a chance to see many other places and areas of the campus including the cafeteria, library and Sports Centre.

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