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DCRT launches Capacity Building Programme for UHD students
The Development Centre for Research and Training (DCRT) at the University of Human Development (UHD) has begun a series of seminars for UHD students on capacity building, the Capacity Building Programme for UHD students. It consists of six seminars on six different topics that are going to be delivered by specialists from UHD at Prof. Dr Ali Qaradaghi Hall – the first of which took place on Wednesday, 9th November 2022, by UHD President Prof. Dr Mariwan Ahmed Rasheed. The title was: Understanding time from a scientific perspective.
Dr Mariwan addressed the topic through the lenses of scientists like Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein and also gave a perspective on the subject from the viewpoint of Islam. He elaborated on the meaning of time and showed how best to understand it. His topic attracted the attention of the audience and arose their interest. It ended with some questions.
The date of the second seminar will soon be announced by DRCT.