UHD opens a training course for public school teachers
JUHD is now indexed in EBSCO
JUHD (Journal of University of Human Development) is now indexed in EBSCO (Elton B. Stephens Company) which is one of the leading databases for scholarly journals. EBSCO provides greater online access to articles published in JUHD, it gives the journal more credibility and raises its status among the world journals.
JUHD is indexed in four other important databases, namely Crossref, ROAD, LOCKSS and CLOCKSS.
JUHD is a peer-reviewed open-access quarterly journal published by the University of Human Development. It publishes original research articles in all areas of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Another journal published by the University of Human Development is UHDJST (University of Human Development Journal of Science and Technology). It is also indexed in Crossref, ROAD, LOCKSS and CLOCKSS, and EBSCO since September 2021.