UHD opens a training course for public school teachers
English Department and National Geographic Learning in a joint workshop
The Department of English Language at the University of Human Development (UHD) arranged a virtual workshop with National Geographic Learning (NGL), a part of the American Cengage Group helping students to ‘learn about their world’ and ‘develop the language and skills they need to be successful global citizens and leaders’, on 20th September 2021. It was coordinated by Mr Haval Latif, a lecturer at UHD. Most of the English Department lecturers and three members from NGL from three different countries (USA, UK and Turkey) took part in the workshop.
The title of the workshop was ‘Stop & Think - A Pathway to Academic Success’ and the focus was on developing critical thinking, such as problem-solving, and encouraging students to explore the new language, the English Language in this context, and become more independent in their study skills. The speakers emphasised that students need to learn to use English in a productive way in both speaking and writing where they are given the opportunity to analyse and evaluate a situation, and make use of the new language critically and creatively.
The workshop lasted for 2 hours, and at the end certificates of attendance were awarded.