UHD Academic Staff

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College of Administration and Economics

Osman Sideeq Kamari

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College of Law and Politics

Ausama Salah Muhammed

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College of Languages

Muhammed Javanmiri Javanmiri

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College of Law and Politics

Asos Namiq Brakhas

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Assistant Lecturer

College of Health Sciences

Huner Hasan Kareem

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Assistant Lecturer

College of Administration and Economics

Hemin Salih Mahmood

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Assistant Lecturer

College of Health Sciences

Mariwan Kadir Rasheed

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Assistant Lecturer

College of Health Sciences

Makwan Saeed Qadir

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Assistant Lecturer

College of Health Sciences

Chrakhan Jalal Khthir

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Assistant Lecturer

College of Administration and Economics

Ranjdar Ali Muhammed

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Assistant Lecturer

College of Languages

Araz Ahmed Muhammed

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Assistant Lecturer

College of Law and Politics

Ridhwan Abubakir Muhammed