ريادة الأعمال والإبتكار منهج لتحقيق القدرة التنظيمية والميزة التنافسية للمشروعات الاقتصادية


  • Jasim Muhammad Ali Al-Tahana
  • ORCID:

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Economic Institutions, Economic Development


Scientific and Technological Development has Helped the Emergence of Many Pioneering Economic Projects in the New Business Environment, and With the Increase in Global Competition, These Projects have Become more Pioneering, by Exploiting Investment Opportunities in the Market Through Creativity and Innovation, and Pioneering Operations have Become one of the Strategic Management of the Business of These Projects, by Virtue of Technological Changes that Occurred in the World From the Establishment of New Industries and New Capabilities as a Result of the Information and Communication Revolution, as Well as to the Fading of the Limits of Technology, and Thus the Shift From Routine Economic Projects to Knowledge Projects, Which Contributed to Achieving Competitive Advantage and Improving the Performance of Economic Projects.


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