الريادة والابداع في بيئة الأعمال : قطر نموذجا
- Nowzad Abdulrahman M Salih
Leadership - Business Environment - Creativity - State of Qatar
The role of entrepreneurship at the global level has grown in achieving economic and social development. On the economic side, establishing new businesses creates job opportunities for youth and increases production. On the social side, the spread of the concept of entrepreneurship in society leads to the generation of entrepreneurship, innovation and competition among young people. In addition to solving the problem of unemployment and the resulting economic and social problems. This is in line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which encourage accelerating economic growth and increasing levels of productivity and technological innovation. Women and men by 2030.
In the State of Qatar, attention has begun to the issue of leadership and creativity in the business environment, as one of the most important mechanisms of strategic direction to support the policy of economic diversification that the state seeks to reduce dependence on the hydrocarbon sector in the national economy, and to achieve the Qatar National Vision 2030, which seeks to develop a diversified and competitive national economy Able to meet the needs of the citizens of Qatar at present and in the future and secure a high standard of living. This interest was reflected in Qatar's ranking first in the Arab world and third globally in the Entrepreneurship Environment Index for 2019, and 22nd globally and first in the Arab world in the Entrepreneurship and Development Index for 2019.
The research will focus on the statement of laws and legislation that regulate activities related to creativity and entrepreneurship, and institutional frameworks that contribute to the development of the business environment with the aim of providing a stimulating investment environment for owners of small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs, and evaluating the performance of the business and entrepreneurship environment in Qatar from the reality of international indicators (Entrepreneurship Index, Entrepreneurship Index Entrepreneurship environment), assessing the strengths and weaknesses in the aspects of leadership and creativity, and submitting proposals to develop the institutional performance related to the business environment, in a manner that serves to raise Qatar’s ranking in the indicators of global innovation and entrepreneurship.
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