العلاقة بين الابعاد الهيكلية والاغراق في المعلومات


  • Hadi Khalil Ismael
  • ORCID:

Organizational structure, centralization, formalization, complexity, information overload.


The phenomenon of information overload is one of the common problems facing decision makers in the information age as a result of dealing with a huge amount of data and information that exceeds their ability to process and understand it, as well as the difficulty in distinguishing between necessary and unnecessary information.
The current study aimed to analyze the relationship between the organizational structure represented by its dimensions (centralization, formalization, complexity) and information overload. Data were collected by adopting a questionnaire. The study sample consisted of (84) members of the examination committees at Duhok Technical University.
The results showed a positive significant relationship between centralization, formality, complexity, and information overload. Also, among the three dimensions of the organizational structure, centralization is the most contributing dimension to the phenomenon of information dumping. Based on the results, the conclusions and suggestions were made. The study also included suggestions for future research in light of the limitations of the study. The originality of this study stems from the paucity of research on the relationship between organizational structure and information overload.


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