(تأثير الاصلاح المصرفي على اداء الشمول المالي في العراق للمدة ( 2004-2017)


  • Naghim Mahmood Majeed Al-Samarai
  • ORCID:
  • Saad Mahmood Al-Kawaz



impact of banking- reform on the performance - Indicators of monetary stability in Iraq


The existence of the need for banking reform in the occurrence of a real and radical revolution in banking transactions from its traditional roots through banking services at the personal or commercial level locally and globally and by measuring the progress of the growth of the Iraqi economy and the extent to which banking systems are effective in the accelerating global changes and in the development of infrastructure and then the work of reform The banking sector specializes in the distribution of resources, which has a positive impact on economic activity. The World Bank considered financial inclusion a main and main focus in its agenda because it contributes to the eradication of poverty and improving the lives of individuals by encouraging small and large investments, which leads to an improvement in the life of the Iraqi individual. The analysis of banking sector data for some economic variables was used and relied on the monetary stability indicator represented in the general level of consumer prices, as well as an indicator of financial inclusion represented by the number of bank deposits and bank credit in Iraq.


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3- البنك المركزي المصري ، الشمول المالي ، النشرة التعريفية للعاملين في القطع المالي
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8- عبد اللطيف ، اسار فخري ، العولمة المصرفة ، مجلة العلوم الانسانية ، المجلد (3) ، العدد (27) ، 2009 .
