تفاعل الهندسة البشرية وإدارة الجودة الشاملة وتأثيرهما في هندسة القيمة: بحث تطبيقي في شركة ديالى العامة
- Hayder SH. Noory
Suhair Adil Hamed
Human Engineering, Total Quality Management, Value Engineering, Diyala State Company.
The research tests the relationship of the interaction of the two explanatory variables, human engineering with four dimensions: human engineering: (physical, environmental, organizational, and cognitive), with total quality management in six dimensions: (quality management system, administrative leadership commitment, employee integration and training, strategic quality planning, and operations management Productivity, continuous quality improvement), and the impact of their interaction on the responsive variable one-dimensional value engineering, as well as testing the direct correlation and effect relationships between variables by testing four main hypotheses in Diyala State Company as a site for conducting the research, and data were collected from 271 individuals who represented the research sample. They were chosen at random, and varied between employees, unit officials, and department managers. The research relied on the questionnaire as the main measurement tool, and used descriptive and inferential statistical methods to answer the problem, test hypotheses and interpret its results. Recommendations that the company should adopt the research model because of its impact on engineering the value of its products and production processes.
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