تحقيق الأداء المتميز من خلال متطلبات الريادة الاستراتيجية دراسة استطلاعية لاراء عينة من القيادات الادارية في جامعة تكريت
- Hashim Abdulla Hamd Alyan
outstanding performance, strategic leadership
The research aims to demonstrate the role of achieving outstanding performance through the requirements of strategic leadership adopted by organizations, especially educational ones, and for a number of administrative leaders at the University of Tikrit,The research focused on knowing the university’s identification and its administrative capabilities to achieve its distinguished performance by adopting a set of administrative practices that aim to adapt the university to the modern and technological requirements that it seeks to achieve, As performance was measured from its basic dimensions, represented by (process and service results - results of focus on human resources - results of focus on the customer - budget results and financial and market results), which were used in order to reach the development of the requirements of strategic leadership represented by (bearing risks - seizing opportunities Creativity, Entrepreneurial CultureWhich became a reality for the ambition of these organizations, so the questionnaire was a main tool in collecting data about the study sample, which numbered (40) forms, which were concentrated under the answers of the administrative leaders The topic also discussed the results of the field study and the statistical methods used in it such as (T) test, (F) test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and simple linear regression in the application on the actual data collected specifically for research. This research also included a presentation of the most important results and suggestions that The study found.
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