الإصلاح الاقتصادي في العراق في ضوء الرؤية الحكومية الورقة البيضاء أنموذجا
- Adnan Farhan Abd Al-Hussein
Economic reform - white paper - reform axes - structural imbalance - mismanagement
The Iraqi economy suffers from deep structural imbalances in its production structure, embodied in the high relative contribution of oil to the composition of the gross domestic product, which in 2019 amounted to about 44%, while the contribution of agriculture decreased to 2.6% and the manufacturing industry to 1.6%. These percentages reflect the perverted and distorted nature of the productive structure in the Iraqi economy, in which the contribution of oil also rises to 80% of commodity output in 2019. The structural imbalances in the Iraqi economy are a reflection or result of government economic policies embodied in public budgets.
This research discusses the white paper presented by the Iraqi government in late 2020 to reform the Iraqi economy, as the government claimed that this paper is a comprehensive roadmap aimed at reforming the Iraqi economy and addressing the serious challenges it faces, which have accumulated over the past years due to wrong policies, mismanagement and corruption. The absence of planning, in addition to the almost total dependence on oil as a main source of state revenue.
The aim of the research is to discuss the white paper presented by the government as a program for the future reform of the Iraqi economy and to clarify its most important advantages and disadvantages.
The most important conclusions reached by the research were that the paper can be considered the starting point for reforming the Iraqi economy and amending many points in this paper in proportion to the nature of the Iraqi economy and the size of the challenges it faces, most notably administrative corruption and the absence of security and political stability.
It is also not possible to bring about a change in the Iraqi economy without changing the system for managing the country's economic policy, from a partisan system for the exchange of benefits to an economic stimulus system run by specialists away from the interests of political parties.
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