العلاقة بين ازدواجية القيادة وخصائص حوكمة الشركات
- Hatem Ali Abdullah
Acer Hussein Khalaf
Leadership duality, corporate governance, private banks in Iraq.
The study aimed to identify the nature of the relationship between the characteristics of leadership duality and corporate governance. SMART-PLS3). The study was applied in the field of private banks operating in Iraq, the city of Baghdad in particular, and six banks were selected, namely (International Development Bank, Babel Bank, Gulf Commercial Bank, Trans-Iraq Bank, Trade Bank of Iraq, Union Bank of Iraq), while the community of The study consisted of (department director, assistant director, division director, unit director) and the number of them was (160), from whom an intentional sample was drawn according to the equation (Green, 1990) to be represented by (114) individuals, the questionnaire was distributed to them and (105) questionnaires were retrieved (97). ) of which were valid for analysis.
The study concluded that the CEO position as Chairman of the Board of Directors will increase the characteristics of corporate governance in terms of disclosure, transparency, accountability, effectiveness and justice. (Dual leadership) will be reflected on corporate governance, specifically its characteristics.
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