ركائز إدارة المعرفة ودورها في تعزيز ابعاد الطيف التنافسي


  • Younis Muhammad Khzr Al-Sabawy
  • ORCID:
  • Naji Abdulasattar Mahmood


  • Yousif Obed Hama Ameen


  • Yousif Obed Hama Ameen



pillars of knowledge management, dimensions of the competitive spectrum, pharmaceutical companies.


The research aims to diagnose the contribution of the pillars of knowledge management with its main dimensions (cognitive leadership, organizational structure, learning, technology, knowledge sharing), in enhancing the dimensions of the competitive spectrum represented by (cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy, and response strategy), to express the ability of organizations In reaching a comprehensive and focused vision that contributes to extracting and deducing the main contents of the dimensions of the competitive spectrum through which it is possible to improve performance and achieve excellence through the contents and pillars of knowledge.
In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the research was conducted in the pharmaceutical companies sector and within selected companies by designing a questionnaire that was prepared in accordance with the goal of the research. , division manager, unit manager), and by (46) forms, while the number of the form retrieved and valid for analysis reached (43) and a recovery rate of (93%). The data obtained from the investigated field was analyzed using the correlation coefficient and the linear regression equation, which helped to reach a set of results, in the light of which a number of conclusions were crystallized, perhaps the most important of which are: The competitive spectrum, and its different dimensions, especially the response dimension.
In light of the conclusions, the research presented its recommendations, and perhaps the most important of them are: the recommendation that urges the surveyed organizations and organizations in the surveyed sector to pay attention to the contents of knowledge in general and pay more attention to the availability of knowledge pillars in particular to achieve a kind of compatibility with the nature of the work of the surveyed organizations and competitive challenges that it can face in order to achieve the desired harmony between the dimensions of the appropriate competitive spectrum with the nature of its business.


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