درجة توافر مبادي الحوكمة في مدارس محافظة شمال وجنوب الشرقية من وجهة نظر مديري المدارس في سلطنة عمان


  • Ahmad Saeed Bn-Nasir Al-Khazramy
  • ORCID:
  • Naila Bint Sulaiman


  • Ali Bn Saif Al-yaraby



governance, principles of governance, Sharqiya governorates, south and north)


The study aimed to identify the degree of availability of governance principles in the schools of the North and South Al Sharqiyah governorates from the point of view of school principals. The researchers used the descriptive analytical method, and the questionnaire as a tool, by applying it to a sample of (100) principals, and the study reached the following results:
The degree of availability of governance principles in the schools of North and South Al Sharqiyah governorates was moderate in most of its axes, except for one axis that came to a high degree, so the phrases in all axes varied between weak and medium. Al-Sharqiya came in general with a medium degree, where it was ranked as follows: the principle of integrity with a mean of (2.38), and after that came the axis of the principle of responsibility with a mean of (2.25), and the principle of justice came in the third place with a mean of (2.04), and finally came the pivotal principles of the principle of accountability and the principle of disclosure and transparency with an average of My Account (1.99), and the study confirmed that there are no statistically significant differences in the principles of governance in the schools of North and South Sharqiya governorates, due to the variables (gender, location), and the researchers recommend the need to create a legal culture around the principles of governance and make it easy and clear to access them.


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