"الرؤية الاستراتيجية وعلاقتها باستمرارية تحسين الاداء المؤسسي - بحث ميداني في وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي "
- Ghassan Kasim Dawood Al-Lami
Strategic vision, performance, Institutional performance
The strategic vision occupies a key role in inspiring employees and unifying their aspirations in achieving the goals of the various educational institutions by relying on comprehensive strategic plans that include a vision, mission, broad goals and activities that contribute to the formulation of their scientific and educational strategies and support the sustainable competitive advantage of these institutions. The research aims to diagnose the extent of the administrative leaders’ interest in the strategic vision and its relationship to the performance of educational institutions and its dimensions represented in achieving its mission, ability, objectives and supporting its ability. The research sample consists of (83) individuals from the administrative leaders at the headquarters of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Baghdad. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting information and data necessary to analyze the paragraphs of the research variables and to identify the reality of current operations and the culture of these institutions and the role of workers in guiding the processes of making strategic decisions and selecting appropriate development policies towards improving performance levels and lasting excellence.
The research reaches several conclusions showing the interest of the institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education in the strategic vision that is characterized by clarity and compatibility with the government program of the state as a result of the permanent review by the higher administrations and to achieve the programs of scientific and educational performance, and to diagnose the extent to which the surveyed leaders possess the ability to formulate a clear future vision and their ability to clarify their mission to the community It is keen to harmonize between its goals and the needs of society.
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