تأثير البيئة التنظيمية وجودة المعلومات المحاسبية في تضيق فجودة التوقعات أداء مراقب الحسابات ومسؤوليته
- Saddam Kati'e Hashim
Regulatory environment, expectations gap and auditor responsibility
The acceleration of changes in the global economy has made it necessary for economic units to take into account the regulatory environment and develop it in a manner appropriate to the developments taking place, including the search for systems that meet the achievement of quality information in general and accounting information in particular, in order to take appropriate decisions from management on the one hand, and investors and stakeholders in units On the other hand, to determine their investment decisions or not, which is provided by the auditor through his examination of the financial statements and accounting records in order to give an opinion on the fairness of the financial statements and accounts and their compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GAAP or International Financial Reporting Standards Financial Reporting Standards IFRS, Through his annual report, which is based on the existence of an effective internal control system.
Which is reflected in narrowing the expectations gap between what users expect of the financial statements from the results of the audit process for the activities of the economic unit, in contrast to the effort made by the auditor based on relevant and scientific standards approved, and the convergence of the two parties’ views in reading the reality of the financial position, and in a way that serves the regulatory environment In the economic unit to provide the best in the field of business in the economy and competition.
The research methodology centers on the importance of identifying a sound regulatory environment that is effective in producing quality accounting information and its impact on narrowing the lack of expectations in the performance of the auditor and his lack of responsibility more than the specific responsibilities due to his failure to exercise the necessary professional care
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