تأثیر عملیات تجفیف الانهار علی التنوع الاحیائي


  • Ali AbdalKhabir Ali
  • ORCID:
  • Hajar Salah Auda



Iraqi marshes, biodiversity, ecosystem, draining of the marshes, population migration, nature reserves


The marsh represents a rare natural environment of its kind for a
number of reasons. First, the marshes were the cradle of the Sumerian
civilization and an environment that embraces a unique biodiversity. Its
geography and vast area, which is equivalent to the size of a country like
Lebanon, made it a resting place and provided food and reproduction for
migratory birds. It is worthy of being included in the World Heritage List
as one of the treasures of the world that must be preserved, but
unfortunately, the Iraqi marshes have not been subjected throughout
history to extensive and systematic drying operations, which reached 95%
of their total area, as they were exposed to during the era of the previous
dictatorial regime in the nineties of last century, which led to the
emergence of a number of environmental problems that collectively led to
the disruption of natural ecological balance through the loss of the ability
to achieve the environmental balance and causing biological diversity
damage . This is as a result of the lack of incoming water resources and
the high percentage of salinity and pollution, which caused the death of
huge numbers of wildlife and aquatic life, as well as the extinction of
large numbers of them, causing a mass migration of the population of
those areas to other areas that provide them with a minimum standard of
decent living after they lost their main sources of livelihood represented
by fishing and raising animals.
The paper aims to present a study on the impact of the widespread
and systematic drying stages that began after the Iran-Iraq war in the
eighties of last century and culminated in the nineties, bringing the
percentage of the remaining water from the marshes to 5% in 2002, and
the extent of its impact on the destruction of the environment and
biodiversity, which includes humans and animals, as well as migratory
birds from Siberia to the Indian subcontinent, which lost their habitats
and places for laying eggs and breeding. It will also present a number of
solutions that will help reduce the environmental degradation that the
marshes have been exposed to.


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