التهجير القسري في العراق 1990- 2003


  • Mohammed Fahad Hussein
  • ORCID:

Dicplacement. Humanrightd.Iraq


The process of forced displacement is one of the most severe cases that a person or group can be exposed to, and its cruelty may be equivalent to the death penalty, because it represents a moral death for all the values, ties and belonging of the human soul, and it strips man of his relationship with his homeland and all kinds of decent living, and makes him A homeless being without affiliation and communication, and the consequent economic, political and even moral problems affecting the individual or the group.
In view of the peculiarity of the nineties of the last century for Iraq, as it witnessed the most violent war that Iraq witnessed after its invasion of Kuwait and the subsequent political and social disintegration and economic hardship. Many cases of forced displacement in which Iraq was a party in one way or another have been noted. Forced displacement of his people, in addition to the presence of population groups that were forcibly displaced to him, with the addition of an important matter, which is the return of those who were forcibly displaced in his lands or to his lands.
The research aimed to discuss all these matters and on a number of themes, namely:
The first axis: cases of forced displacement of the Iraqi people
The second axis: cases of forced displacement of other peoples who passed through Iraq
The third axis: cases of return of the forcibly displaced
We sincerely hope that we have contributed regarding the danger of the phenomenon of forced displacement, and the fairness of its victims with regard to their inherent rights that prevent their deportation from their areas of origin in any way.


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التقارير و الصحف العربية :
جريدة الرياض : العدد 14757 , الثلاثاء 20 ذي القعدة 1429هـ - 18 نوفمبر 2008م.
مجلس الامن : القرار (686) 2/3/1991م الخاص بوقف عمليات القتال الهجومية.
