الاضطرابات النفسية لدى النساء الناجيات من القصف الكيميائي والمعتقلات في سجن نقرة سلمان في مدينة حلبجة الشهيدة
- Shawbo Abdulla Tahir
1-Identifying the most important disturbances that women were subjected to in
the martyred city of Halabja after the chemical bombardment and detention in (Nakra
Salman's prison
2-Identifying the most important areas that appear in women's disturbances
after they were subjected to chemical bombardment and arrest in (Nakra slaman) prison.
The validity and reliability coefficients of the scale were extrac ted, and the data were
:processed using the following statistical methods
Pearson correlation coefficient - chi-square - Fisher equation
The results showed that delusional disorders ranked first, with a degree of severity of
1.85, while anger outbursts ranked in the second place, with a degree of severity of
1.79, and disorders of low self-confidence got the third degree, with a degree of
severity of 1.74. As for anxiety disorders, social phobia, nervousness, sleep, nutrition,
.family, behavioral, and the rest, they got the following ranks
The results of the research also showed that the women who were subjected to chemical
bombardment and arrest in the (Nakra salman) prison in the martyred city of Halabja
have severe and numerous psychological disorders. These results have been explained,
:and the researcher has reached some recommendations, including
1-The necessity of opening and establishing centers for psychological, neurological and
social care services in this stricken city to help the psychologically disturbed, and to
.treat these psychological effects on them
2-Demanding a fair international trial for the owners of factories and foreign companies
that helped the corrupt regime by supplying and manufacturing poison gases, imposing
the most severe penalties on them, and paying appropriate compensation to those
affected (as Israel demanded Germany and received billions of Western marks in
.)exchange for the mass killing of Jews using poison gases
3-Rebuilding the city of Halabja in a modern and sophisticated manner by these
.)companies (in return for their despicable and shameful deeds
4-Prosecuting and punishing the officials, officers and pilots who helped and
contributed to the bombing of this city in a fair trial so that they receive their
.punishment for what they did
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