death, die, tragedy, Sherko, Kurds
The issue of death in the Divan (the cemetery of lamps) Sherko Bekas, an issue that most of his diwan talks about the tragedies of death and oppression of the people of Kurdistan
For this reason, we can call this Diwan the Divan of Death, and it is one of the new and unique experiences of Sherko Bekas, which explained in a striking way and the poetic chapters of the Anfal process and its results.
In other words, this study shows the poet's point of view as it is and his vision as a Kurdish poet of and tragedies of the mass death of the Kurds, in addition to that, it talks about tragedy and its role in the text, the reasons for the poet's resort to this tragedy, and the reflections and dimensions of the Anfal tragedy in this diwan.
In addition, the Kurds (women and children) in this tragedy are the main heroes in these events, and they became kings and pioneers of a heroic and historical story in a way that we touch this kingship and leadership annually several times.
However, the most important and strongest are the Kurdish (women and children) championships, meaning collective championships, not because they have specific characteristics that became heroes of this tragedy, but rather the type of oppression and brutal torture had an impact on the poet’s psyche and identification with the mother of women and children, which in turn made them heroes.
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