جرائم الإبادة الجماعية في ظل حكومة البعث (1968-2003): الأسباب والنتائج


  • Ayman Abd Aun
  • ORCID:
  • Sami Ahmad Salah



Genocide, Baath, Iraq


The Baathist regime was distinguished from other regimes which ruled modern Iraq, by the genocides that it committed against millions of Iraqis, regardless of their ethnic affiliation, social groups, and political backgrounds. This research deals with the factors that inspired the head of the Baathist regime and his aides to commit crimes of this blatant level of brutality. 3 The research paid a great attention to the theory of the American political scientist Barbara Harff which distinguishes between the concept of genocide, which refers to crimes committed against a group of people because of their ethnic affiliation, and the concept of politicide, which refers to crimes committed against a group of people because of their ideological or political affiliations, and their attitudes towards the regimes that govern their countries. On the basis of a number of theories in the field of social and political sciences, three hypotheses were formulated about the justifying of both genocides and politicides, from its perpetrators’ side. The first hypothesis was that the psychological and social composition of the regime’s leaders played a major role in the heinous crimes they committed against opponents of their regime. The second hypothesis focused on the nature of the political situation under which genocides were committed, while the third hypothesis attributed those crimes to the ideology of the ruling regime. The research concluded that all three hypotheses are valid in determining the motives behind the Baathist regime’s resort to committing genocide against its people


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