ئەنفال دچاڤێ ئاینێ ئیسلامێدا دەڤەرە زێباری وەک نمونە
- Mikael Rasheed Zebari
Anfal, Islam, Kurds, Badinan, Zebar and Zebari
This research seeks to clarify the true meaning of the word Anfal through an Islamic
vision according to what came in the Holy Qur’an, and how the defunct Baathist regime
exploited it, which tried to attach the blessed word (Anfal) to the notorious operations which it
unjustly and aggressively carried out on the villages and cities of beloved Kurdistan , trying to
legitimacy on those operations using the Anfal symbol and address them through the false claim
that he is fighting his regime breakers and they deserve all classes of murder, displacement,
burning and deprivation according to the perspective wrong , and the minor and the unjust and
What that regime did is a crime against humanity, rather it is the most heinous, and most
brutal operation in modern era the unjust military forces waging a brutal war against
the innocent and defenseless in the villages and cities of Kurdistan , killing and displacing
thousands from their villages and towns; Rather, these forces burned the houses and demolished
them on their residents, and took every precious and precious thing from those homes; But even
has to sell women as if the spoils of war and not for Muslims to isolate innocent people have no
guilt except that they are Kurds who maintain their legitimate rights , and in fact the Anfal
means the spoils meant by the spoils of the battle of Badr, and has nothing to do what he
has done y for your unjust system on villages Kurdish cities In general and in this paper we
address the Anfal operations in Badinan, particularly Zebar region as the villages of this region
suffered from wars and woes in that period , and about the tragedy and suffering which the
suffered, including residents of villages Zebar in military operations and
measured its displacement and sanctities and calamities.
Since the Zebar region is a mountainous region where it has always been a refuge and
refuge for the Peshmerga, the defunct Baathist regime saw that this region poses a threat to it,
so it carried out military operations (Anfal) against the people of this region, so the people of
this region became displaced and dispersed, some villages migrated to Iran and others migrated
to Turkey and some of them were arrested on the road, they were completely exterminated, but
after a general amnesty was issued by the regime, they surrendered and were deported to the
Bahirka complex in Erbil governorate.
Finally, it becomes clear to the researcher by writing his research that the Zibaris are the
most affected by the Anfal operations in Badinan, and no contemporary researchers and
historians have addressed this fact.
ـقىضئاْا ثريؤظ.
أ- ثُضتىى:
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27 -بابَِ ئُملىظَفُض ئُملُْػىضّ نؤضَّ َىذَُُز نؤضَّ ئُمحُز ئُملُضوظّ ئُيػَُعاِْ، ؾطوظُنطْا قىضئاَِْ يا بُضًْاؽ ب غُْعاِْ
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ب- ضاظجًَهُفنت:
28 -ضاظجًَهُفنت زطٍُ ؾًذ ضظا ظبري غُضؤى ٖؤظَّ ظيَباضيا ،ٍ ضوشا ئًو ؾَُبِ ،29/8/2021 ٍ زََصَري 30:8 ؾُظَِ، ؾُضَٔ.
29-ضاظجًَهُفنت زطٍُ ؾًُاٍ ظبًَط ئاغا ظيَباضّ يَِ بُضْاؽ ب ؾًُاٍ ظيَباضّ ،ٍ ضوشا ئًَهؿَُبِ ،26/9/2021 ٍ زََصَري 30:5 ئًَظاضّ،
31 -ضاظ ثًَهُفنت زطٍُ نطَاْخ ضاىل ْظًػُض وثًَؿُُضطُ ،ٍ ضوشا ئُيِٓ ،17/9/2021 ٍ زََصَري 30:2ًْظطو.
31 -ضاظجًَهُفنت زطٍُ ذُجِ ضََُظإ حمُس يَِ بُض ْاؽ ب ذُجِ خُجنُض ،ٍ ضوشا ضاض ؾَُبِ ،22/9/2021 ٍ زََصَري 30:4 ئًَظاضّ،
32 -ضاظجًَهُفنت زطٍُ ذػني عبساهلل غطاِْ ،يُ ى ٍ وإ نُغإ ٖاتًُ ئُْفايهطٕ بى جصًْهإ )30/8/2021 ، ضوشاغَِ ؾَُبِ زََصًََط
30:4 ئًَظاضّ .
33 -ضاظجًَهُفنت زطٍُ ُْجِ عبساهلل قازو ،ٍ ضوشا ضاض ؾَُبِ ،22/9/2021 ٍ زََصَري 30:8 ؾُظَِ، ئانطَّ.