الاثار السلبیة لحورب الابادة الجماعیة علی واقع العلاقات الاجتماعێة الکوردیة العربیة في العراق


  • Ismaiek Musa Hamidy
  • ORCID:

Negative effects, Social Relationships, Genocide


Research Summary
The research aims to know the negative effects of genocide wars on the reality of Kurdish-Arab social relations
The idea of the current research is built on the nature of the negative psychological and social effects that devastating wars leave on their people and what they provoke from sectarian, racist and social strife, especially in a country like Iraq, which is multi-ethnic and multi-ethnic.
The current research community is identified by a segment of the Iraqi society that is homogeneous between Kurds and Arabs, and it has been identified in the Kurdistan regions represented by the governorates of Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Dohuk, and the research sample was randomly selected from the community represented by 200 individuals.
The research tool was the questionnaire, and its 20 paragraphs were prepared based on an exploratory questionnaire that included a set of questions related to the research objective.
After confirming the validity and stability of the questionnaire, it was applied to the research sample. Statistical treatments were carried out and the items were arranged in descending order according to what was obtained from a weighted mean and a percentage weight.
It ranked first with a weighted average of (3.3) and a percentage of (78) for the first rank among the paragraphs.
The paragraph (I hate Arab nationalism and I hate every Arab on a weighted average (1) and a percentage weight (41) got the last place, and the research came out with a set of conclusions, most importantly, despite the great disasters that occurred on the residents of the region, but the awareness preceded racism and extremism in opinion The Kurdish society is a peaceful society that loves life for others as it loves it for itself, as it is well aware that the oppressive regime was representing itself only.
The researcher also recommended a set of recommendations, including activating the role of civil society organizations and religious institutions to urge social rapprochement and renounce racism through seminars and conferences calling for this, and to include in educational curricula how to enhance community awareness in order to consolidate the principles of peaceful coexistence among the people of the same country, and to show the end of those who with such crimes. He also proposed a set of similar proposals for the current study.


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