الابادة الجماعية من منظور سيسيولوجي / جريمة سبايكر نموذجا" Genocide from a sociological perspective / Speicher crime as a model


  • Ammar Saleem Abd
  • ORCID:
  • Zaman Ageel Hammood



genocide, genocide, Spiker crime, sociology


Human history was full of massacres committed by states, whether they were locally practiced against members of society or externally practiced against members of another society by tyrannical governments. The brutality of the Stone Ages, this is represented to us through the massacres of murder and blood that are committed in all societies against the weak groups in them without the slightest guilt, but there are no flimsy reasons to justify their brutal actions. They may be religious or ethnic. These mass massacres involve the concept of genocide and this term has descriptive meaning And legal, the descriptive meaning is that it possesses the status of a group, and legal is what the International Tribunal specializes in by setting the terms and conditions of these crimes. Therefore, this research reviews the latest developments of the brutal groups through the massacre of soldiers at the Speicher base, which acquired this massacre the name of the place in which it was committed, so it was called the Speicher massacre, this massacre that claimed the lives of (1700) innocent people. Then to address the Islamic religion’s view of killing in general, especially since these groups claim religion and practice their brutal acts in the name of religion. We address the sociological theories that explain the phenomenon of mass murder or genocide. In the conclusion of the research, we present an analytical description and pictures of the Speicher massacre, leaving the legal aspect of jurisdiction and content with the social effects left by these The crime is against society and the families of the victims, and this is what was mentioned in conclusions and recommendations, and the research includes four chapters, and each chapter includes two chapters, the first chapter: The first topic: the problem, the importance and the research objectives: The second topic: scientific concepts and terms: (genocide, sociology, Speicher crime), while the second chapter, the topic First: Manifestations of Genocide: The second topic: The sociology of genocide: The third chapter: The first topic: Genocide in international law and human rights: The second topic: The Islamic religion’s view of genocide and the Speicher crime: As for the fourth chapter: The first topic: The Speicher crime.. ... A crime against humanity: The second topic: conclusions and recommendations, the conclusion of the research, and in the last pictures documenting the criminal and terrorist act of the Spiker crime, sources and reference
The search elements are:
First: The research problem: The Iraqi society was exposed to many heinous crimes that were committed against its members at different times and under the authority of successive tyrannical governments. Religious groups without the slightest other reason, and the succession of governments and the clear security disintegration they have left in the recent past, caused terrorist groups to enter their work to set up car bombs, killing tens and hundreds of people, among the wounded and dead, and it is one of the manifestations of genocide committed every day against Iraqi society.But what has now emerged is the emergence of a brutal group called (ISIS) that has begun to commit various genocides against members of society, and the most heinous thing it has done is the Speicher crime, as it was killed by (1,700) soldiers working at Speicher base and killed under sectarian names
because of their belonging to the Shiite sect, and therefore This crime is one of the crimes committed against humanity, whose perpetrators must be prosecuted by the state as a crime of genocide according to Article 5 of the Criminal Court Law
. Second: The importance of research
The importance of the issue lies in the fact that the Speicher case is not only a military or political issue, but rather a humanitarian issue that has had its social and psychological effects among the families of Speicher victims and spread fear among members of society, especially since the most prominent goal behind the crime is to stir up sectarian strife among members of the same community.
Genocide as a heinous crime has a great impact in any society in which it occurs and leaves its echo at any time. Therefore, the manifestations of genocide have varied according to its impact on the individual and society, it may be material or moral
:Third: Research objectives
1- Getting acquainted with international human rights law and its close connection with the determination of the right to life of peoples and individuals.?
2- Recognize the concept of genocide.
Recognize the concept of sociology 3-
Recognize the manifestations of genocide 4-
Identifying the sociology of genocide and its relationship to sociology? 5-


أولا": القرآن الكريم . ثانيا" : المصادر . - ابو فوزة،خليل القطب،سيكولوجية العنوان،القاهرة،الهيئة العامة لقصور الثقافة،١٩٩٦. 1 - المهدي،محمد،سيكولوجية الاستبداد،موقع المجانين على الانترنيت. 2 - صلاح كرميان،الجذور السيكولوجية لجرائم الإبادة الجماعية.( لايوجد مكان الطبع) ،( لايوجد سنة طبع ). 3 4- د.خالد السيد،جريمة الإبادة الجماعية،مركز الإعلام الأمني، .( لايوجد مكان الطبع) ،( لايوجد سنة طبع ). 5- د.محمد السعيد الدقاق،بحث حول جريمة الإبادة الجماعية المنظورين الدولي والإسلامي،سلطنة عمان،٢٠١٥. 6- د.عبد المصور بارازاني،الإبادة الجماعية(البرازانييون في معسكر قوشتبة التجميعي،١٩٨٣، 7- عبد الله سليمان سليمان،مقدمات الأساسية في القانون الدولي الجنائي،الجزائر،ديوان المطبوعات الجامعية،١٩٩٢ 8- بوجردة مخلوف،الإبادة في القانون الدولي لحقوق الإنسان(مذكرة لنيل درجة الماجستير في القانون)،٢٠١٢ ثالثا" : الأنترنيت . http://www.ahewar.org/debat/show.art.asp?aid=135453 -9 http://www.imn.iq/articles/view.2124/١ 10- http://www.maganin.com/articles/articlesview.asp?key=168 - 11 soutalgnoub.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id- 12
