معايير التجريم و أثرها في ضبط مسارات التشريع الجنائي ، دراسة في ضوء نظريات التجريم المعاصرة
- Mohammed Rashid Hasan Mohammed
criminalization policy , legal moralism theory , Harm principles theory, good rechte principle
in this research we will examine the bases and the aspects of criminalization process .also we will try to come up with principled justification of why it wants to criminalize certain kinds of conduct. in addition we will determine obviously about the best principles or criteria we should apply when deciding whether to criminalize a certain kind of conduct .also we will elaborate the questions concerning when its come to such important matters as which conduct to criminalize . thus we will going to describe the more recent theories in connection with this subject by analayzing and determining the best ways to avoid the the misuse of criminal law . all of these study we will depend on the philosophical dimension of the Iraqi legislator .unfortunately .its clear that there are no methodology in dealing this crucial process by legislator ,due to the Fact that our legislations -especially criminal kinds have been often affected by y political idealism which makes deviation in in the process
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