تعايش الثقافات والاندماج في المجتمع العراقي المعاصر دراسة تحليلية من منظور سوسيولوجي


  • Hamdan Ramdhan Mhammed
  • ORCID:

culture, peaceful coexistence, inclusion, the society.


The current research aims to identify the nature and reality of peaceful coexistence in the city of Mosul, by determining its levels and assessing its social dimensions among its various components in the city, for the purpose of reaching the possibility of developing the feelings of its members and activating their role in achieving harmony and harmony, accepting the other, living in luxury, etc.
Positive in providing stability and social and political security and identifying the resulting problems. As the importance of this research is revealed in revealing the basic dimensions of peaceful coexistence between the various social components in the city of Mosul and identifying the manifestations of these dimensions and their factors depending on measuring the extent of the cohesion of individuals and accepting or rejecting coexistence among them.
This is because identifying this reality and the dimensions, manifestations and factors that support and affect it and are related to it would facilitate the consolidation of its activities and social relations between these social components in the social reality of the city.
Not to mention that, the contemporary Iraqi street, specifically the city of Mosul after the American occupation of Iraq, witnessed problems and disturbances that humanity has not witnessed throughout the history of its civilized development, which affected social construction, and these problems crystallized and were born due to several reasons and accumulated reasons and silence their shape and content in the Iraqi scene, so the individuals in the city. They are more influential because they are more interacting with each other in social reality, and it is from these bases that the importance of the subject we are studying comes from.


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