قاعدة الاغلاق الحكمي وأثرهافي القوة الملزمة للعقد
- asos.namiq University of Human Development, Department of Law
Base estoppel, estoppel, the binding force of the contract
The contract is the Sharia of the Contracting Party as a rule that does not govern the contract only upon formation, but also upon execution, since the terms of the contract are transformed, after its formation, into a law that imposes itself, and its sanctity cannot be violated. That is, when the contract is valid and enforceable, it must be executed according to what it contains and in accordance with good faith and trust between people, and this is called the principle of binding force of the contract. Whenever the contract is binding on both parties, one of the parties cannot be the only one to rescind or amend it. The mandatory limits of the contract are not limited to what the contracting parties have agreed only, but include all of its requirements in accordance with legislative and customary rules, and what justice requires, and what is imposed by the nature of the full-time obligation of the contract.
When executing the contract, the extent of the debtor’s commitment to the contract is measured in the manner in which it is implemented, and his agreement with the requirements of the contract, that is, the closer the method of implementation is with the requirements of the contract, the debtor is considered on the right path in fulfillment, and the more the method of implementation is far from the requirements of the contract, the debtor is considered in breach of his contractual obligations. Since the debtor may deviate from the prescribed path in some cases due to the difficulty of implementing the obligation on the one hand, and the difficulty of harmonizing the circumstances and methods of implementation on the other hand, the law allowed the creditor to object to the debtor’s behavior whenever he saw it as different from the contract based on the binding force of the contract.
But this right granted to the creditor is not an absolute right. Rather, it is restricted by his act or statement that revealed to the debtor the safety of his conduct in the implementation of the contract, meaning that despite the recognition of the right to object to the creditor, the creditor may be suspended by what was previously issued by him, i.e. closed The door of objection to it, and this is called the rule of judgment closure that we have chosen as the subject of our study. We deal with it by research and study to show the limits of this rule, and its impact on modifying the binding force of the contract, whether by making mandatory certain clauses in the contract or even creating new clauses, or by stripping a contractual obligation of its binding force.
الكتب :
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البحوث المنشورة باللغة العربية:
1.مجاجي سعاد، الأستوبيل أو ما يعرف بمبدأ عدم التناقض إضراراً بالغير، المجلة الأكاديمية للبحوث القانونية والسياية، العدد الثالث، المجلد02، كلية الحقوق والعلوم السياسية،جامعة عمار ثليجي بالاغواط.
2.هادي نعيم المالكي، قاعدة الإغلاق في القانون الدولي، بحث منشور في مجلة رسالة الحقوق، كلية القانون، جامعة الكربلاء، السنة السابعة العدد الثالث، 2016.
3. د.ياسر باسم ذنون، روؤى خليل إبراهيم، نظرية الظروف الطارئة وأثرها على أحكام القضائية، بحث منشور في مجلة الشريعة والقانون كلية القانون جامعة الإمارات العربية، العدد السابع والخمسون، السنة الثامنة والعشرون، 2014.
البحوث المنشورة باللغة الانجليزية:
.2 Jay A.Fainman ,promissory Estoppel and the Judicial Method, Harvard Law Review
.3T.leighe Anenson. From Theory to Practice: Analyzing Equitable Estoppel Under a Pluralistic Model of Law.p3.
.4Daniel A.Farber,Johan H.Matheson, Beyond promissory Estoppel: Contract Law and the Invisible Hand shakes,The Universtey of Chicago Law Review,October 1985.
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