مظاهر القصور التشريعي في الدستور العراقي تنظيم استقالة رئيس مجلس الوزراء انموذجاً


  • Yamama Muhammad Hasan Kashkul Mustansiriyah university, Department of Law
  • ORCID:
  • ORCID:


constitution, legislative shortcomings, the resignation of the prime minister


The period of approving the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 was surrounded by a state of political turmoil that usually accompanies any transitional phase that carries many political variables through the transition from a phase of dictatorial rule to a new phase bearing the features of democracy. In its approval, the lack of clarity in the political vision and the weakness of the constitutional legal culture of its authors, as well as the way in which it was approved by a popular referendum, which is voted on by yes or no, and does not allow an opportunity to discuss its articles and articles and diagnose its shortcomings.
One of the shortcomings in our constitution is that it does not refer to regulating the resignation of the Prime Minister. This position has a political nature, and an administrative nature, and its occupant has the right to decide not to continue with this position and be satisfied with working in this field for any reason, and this must be in accordance with the context Organized legal, which is known as resignation., and this is what we dealt with in this research.
For the purpose of researching this topic, we asked a research question that is...
How can we address the legislative shortcomings that surrounded the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005 and related to regulating the resignation of the Prime Minister?

From this research question, we derived several secondary research questions...
1- What is the limitation of legislative shortcomings?
2- What are the reasons for the legislative deficiencies in the Iraqi constitution?
3- Does the Prime Minister have the right to resign during his tenure?
4- To whom is the resignation submitted?
5- Who is the party that decides whether or not to accept the resignation?
6- What are the procedures that follow the acceptance of the resignation?

By discussing these questions, we will try to reach the possibility of developing a legislative text that deals with a complete organization of the resignation of the Prime Minister, especially since the idea of ​​amending the constitution and to this day is still valid and possible, because many political, social and economic conditions in the country have changed from the time of entry into force of this constitution, which makes the idea of ​​the amendment obligatory and necessary


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