أثر العامل الاقليمي في التحول الديمقراطي دراسة مقارنة بين تجربتي اسبانيا 1975 والعراق 2003


  • luqman.Hakeem University of Halabja, Department of Lwa
  • ORCID:
 Iraq, Political system, political instability, Iraq after2003.


The regional factor has always played an important role in the political developments of various countries and political experiences, as this factor constituted the role of the direct incubator for all the successful and failed experiences of political development throughout our time.
The process of democratization is considered one of the most important political experiments of our time, which gained wide momentum after the Second World War. Especially after the peoples of the world realized the importance and preference of this system compared to the rest of the political systems. After the end of the Cold War, the world witnessed a remarkable trend towards liberal democracy, exhilarated by the euphoria of the victory of the Western camp led by the United States of America over its eastern historical opponent (led by the Soviet Union). Liberal democracy and its sovereignty over the world, rather they unleashed an unbridled optimism that says: "The peoples and societies of the world are moving towards adopting the model of liberal democracy, because it is the model most responsive to the aspirations of human freedom and the release of his energies."


قائمة المصادر:
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