پێگەی مێژوو لە لێکۆڵینەوەکانی ئایندەناسییدا


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Future, Future studies, History of future, Prediction 


   The role of history in future studies History is one of the fields of human research and has a strong relationship with politics, political studies and future studies. Future studies are considered a new field in effective and developed scientific research and have an essential role in politics since they influence each other. Future research fields are enhanced by taking advantage of other human and scientific research fields or using interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary methods. One of the fields that future researchers cannot disregard is historical research. This research focused on the two different directions: the fields of future research and history, i.e., past events, on the one hand, their future and scenarios on the other. The research seeks to answer some main questions: What is the common ground and relationship between history as a field of human research with future research? What is the function and purpose of both fields? What are their common keywords? Where will history assist the science of future research? The importance of the research is that working on the relationship between history and future science will keep history away from the past. It also makes future studies more realistic in identifying and cooperating with politics, political reform, management, and other aspects of society and choosing a better future among futures ahead of any society and individual. Moreover, historical research and academic centers in Kurdistan have been less likely to apply history as a science to understand the future. The research aims to find common ground and the effective relationships between the two fields of futures and history and link them by analyzing their content, tasks and methods. The research methodology is descriptive-analysis and has benefited from historical and comparative methods to explain the definitions, emergence, and common grounds for both research's variables.



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