Dr. Mazen I. Ghareb is a Lecturer in Computer Science Department University of Human Development in Sulaymaniyah-Iraq. Dr. Mazen received his undergraduate degree from Sulaymaniyah University Computer Department 2006. He worked in Fanoos. Telecommunication Company as IT Developer for two years. During his work he developed EPOS Electronic point of sale system for sales system and developed Mini Billing system for Intelligence Network department. During that time Mazen worked as Lab assistant lecturer as a part time work in Sulaymaniyah University computer and statistics department in Network lab. Adding more he got Oracle administrator certificate in 2007 from Iraqcom Company. In August 2009 he got an opportunity to work as lab assistance in university of Human Development, in 2010 he got HCDP scholarship to study abroad in UK in University of Huddersfield. In 2012 he got master's degree with distinction from university of Huddersfield, he worked as assistance lecture until 2015. In 2016 he promoted as lecturer and become computer science and information technology decider for evening classes. In 2018 he becomes head of computer science department. He had his PhD degree from University of Huddersfield UK - England.
English | A1 |
Arabic | A1 |
Kurdish | A1 |
Java Script | A1 |
Auditor | A1 |
Software proficiences | A1 |
Foreign languages | A1 |
Problem Solving | B2 |
Time management | B2 |
Consultant | B2 |
CRN | Course | Class | ECTS/Credit | Current Academic Term |
07527 | Computer Crime and Cyber Security | CS-08AMorning | 7 | Spring-2025 |
07517 | System Design | CS-06AMorning | 6 | Spring-2025 |
07307 | English for Science and Technology | CS-01AMorning | 5 | Fall-2024 |
07271 | Communicative English I | AI-01AMorning | 5 | Fall-2024 |
07177 | Database Management Systems | CS-04AMorning | 6 | Fall-2024 |
07175 | Data Communications | CS-04Re-seatMorning | 6 | Fall-2024 |
07157 | Computer Networks | CS-03Re-seatMorning | 6 | Fall-2024 |
07151 | Kurdology (Liguistic) | CS-02Re-seatMorning | 3 | Fall-2024 |
06785 | System Analysis | CS-05AMorning | 5 | Fall-2024 |
06779 | Information Security | CS-05AMorning | 7 | Fall-2024 |
06675 | Communicative English I | CS-01AMorning | 5 | Spring-2024 |
06493 | Computer Crime and Cyber Security | CS-08AMorning | 7 | Spring-2024 |
05867 | Cloud Computing | IT-05AMorning | 6 | Fall-2023 |
05745 | Information Security | CS-05AMorning | 6 | Summer-2023 |
05741 | Computer Programming Fundumentals | IT-02AMorning | 6 | Summer-2023 |
05233 | Graduation Project and Research Methodology | CS-08AMorning | 10 | Spring-2023 |
05231 | Computer Crime and Cyber Security | CS-08AMorning | 7 | Spring-2023 |
04929 | Information Security | CS-05AMorning | 7 | Fall-2022 |
00261 | Graduation Project and Research Methodology | CS-08AMorning | 10 | Spring-2022 |
00265 | Computer Crime and Cyber Security | CS-08AMorning | 7 | Spring-2022 |
00709 | Information Security Management | IT-06Re-seatMorning | 6 | Spring-2022 |
01447 | Object Oriented Programming | IT-04AMorning | 5 | Summer-2020 |
03335 | Information Assurance and Security | IT-05A1Morning | 5 | Summer-2021 |
03339 | Computer Crime and Cyber Security | CS-08AMorning | 7 | Summer-2021 |
00805 | Information Security | CS-07AMorning | 7 | Fall-2019 |
02035 | Information Security | CS-07AMorning | 7 | Fall-2020 |
02209 | Information Security | CS-07BMorning | 7 | Fall-2020 |
02633 | Statistics and Probability | CS-04AMorning | 5 | Fall-2020 |
00245 | Computer Crime and Cyber Security | CS-08AMorning | 7 | Spring-2020 |
01413 | Graduation Project | CS-08AMorning | 10 | Spring-2020 |
02865 | Computer Crime and Cyber Security | CS-08AMorning | 7 | Spring-2021 |
02869 | Graduation Project | CS-08AMorning | 10 | Spring-2021 |
00111 | Information Security | CS-05AMorning | 7 | Fall-2021 |
00003 | Information Assurance and Security | IT-05AMorning | 5 | Fall-2021 |